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The method irank compares ranks using the same vector as reference. irank_against returns integer ranks, that values from x would assume if (individually) inserted into v. frank_against acts analogously, returning fractional ranks.

irank_against(x, v, omega = 0, increasing = FALSE, na.rm = FALSE)

frank_against(x, v, omega = 0, increasing = FALSE, na.rm = FALSE)



numeric query vector.


numeric reference vector.


numeric value in [0,1], defining how ties in x (if any) are handled; default is 0. See Details.


logical; if FALSE (default), then large elements in x receive a small rank. Otherwise, large elements in x receive a large rank.


logical; if TRUE, then NA's are removed from x. Default: FALSE.


Numeric vector of the same length as x containing the integer (for irank_against) or fractional (for frank_against) ranks.


It's useful to think about frank_against(x,v) as a generalization of Empirical Cumulative Distribution Function, created for v and evaluated for points in x. frank_agaist(x,v,increasing=TRUE,omega=1) is identical to ecdf(v)(x).

increasing switches the inequality sign in ECDF definition from FV(t)=ˆP(V<=t) to ˆP(V>=t).

omega=0 introduces the strict inequality (ˆP(V<t) instead of ˆP(V<=t)). Any omega in between is a weighted average of the cases omega=1 and omega=0.

Finally, irank_against is equal to frank_against multiplied by the length(v).

This particular choice of default parameters was made for compatibility with default parameters of irank and frank. irank(x) is always equal to irank_against(x,x) and frank(x) is always equal to frank_against(x,x).

See also


irank_against(1:10, c(4,4,4,3,1,10,7,7))
#>  [1] 8 8 7 4 4 4 2 2 2 1